Welcome to Issue #3 of Biblia Luna! In this weekly newsletter, I will be sharing a few things each week related to mental illness and faith. I’m writing this to help bridge the gap between those two things. Specifically, I want to tell people with mental illnesses, “You are worthy, and God loves you.” And I also want to encourage and equip churches and individual Christians to better welcome and affirm people with mental illnesses in their midst.
I’m hoping that the words I include here each week can help, even just a little.
Crazy Lectionary (21st Sunday in Ordinary Time)
The second reading for Sunday, August 28 is Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16. In this passage, the author of Hebrews is calling the people of the early church to be compassionate and faithful. I’m drawn to two sections of this passage. First, verse 3:
Remember those who are in prison, as though you were in prison with them; those who are being tortured, as though you yourselves were being tortured.
I think in context, the author was calling their readers to care for those who were literally imprisoned, and literally being tortured for their faith. But I wonder if it could also be considered metaphorically. And if so, I think there’s a connection with mental illness here.
Mental illness can certainly be experienced as torture. The emotional pain of strong anxiety or deep depression can be just as bad as any physical pain. I know that I have sometimes wished to die instead of continuing to feel as guilty and empty as I did. The confusion of dealing with dissociative identity disorder or bipolar disorder must be excruciating.
And I think mental illness can also be thought of as a prison. And not just because psychiatric inpatient facilities can feel like prisons. There is also a stuckness, a despair, that often comes along with these disorders. The feeling that it will never end. The feeling that there is no way out, that any reprieve will only be temporary, like a furlough from prison. When you are stuck in an acute episode, it feels like you have always been there, and that you always will be. I know that I have had times when depressed when I have actively hoped that there is no afterlife, because death feels like the only relief I will ever receive. (See this blog post for a fuller description of this feeling.)
But, as always, there is hope. In verse 8, the author of Hebrews writes:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
This means that the one who heals, the one who saves, the one who was called by God to “proclaim release to the captives” and “set free those who are oppressed,” is still acting. Is still alive. Is still moving and breathing in our world. Which means that even while the church is called to remember and care for those who are imprisoned and tortured, they can also proclaim that release and freedom are coming, even if they’re not yet fully present. There is hope, even for me.
Helpful Resource
Find Your Anchor is a really unique product. It’s a box filled with a lot of loot. It’s got cards with affirmations on them. It’s got a wristband. It’s got posters. It’s got notes and other assorted things. All of these things have one goal: to tell you that you are loved, that you are worthwhile, that life is worth living. They come packaged in an attractive blue box that keeps them all together. It’s a grassroots effort to reduce suicide, and increase awareness.
If you are someone who is struggling, you can order a box from their website completely free. Alternately, you can order one with the intention of sharing it with someone else – including leaving it “in the wild” somewhere! (They request a $25 donation to cover the cost of creating boxes.) The idea is when you are done with it, you would also pass it on, or leave it in the wild for someone to find. I have a box with me right now. I haven’t passed it on – perhaps I should consider doing so.
I find this project completely fascinating. Check them out.
Darkwater Update
Video of Author Talk
My first talk to promote Darkwater was just a few days ago. If you’d like to see it, click here.
Speaking Engagements Web Page
Also, I have created a page on my website advertising that I’m available for talks. If you know anyone who might be interested in hosting such a talk, please either direct them to the page, or contact me!
Author Signing at Moravian Book Shop
Saturday, September 3 @ 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Moravian Book Shop, 428 Main St., Bethlehem, PA 18018
Click here for more information.
Some Questionable Math
I’d really love to grow the readership of this newsletter. It occurred to me in the shower that there’s a really easy way for you to help do that. Right now, I have 71 subscribers. If each of you shares this issue with one person you know, and that person subscribes, that will increase it to 142. If every subscriber does the same next week, it will be 284. If that keeps up for just one year, I will have 15,987,770,000,000,000 subscribers (approximately) by the end of next August. That’s a lot of subscribers, like 2 million times the number of people in the world. So let’s get on it, folks!
Quite seriously, I’m really glad to have you all subscribed, and I hope you find these newsletters inspiring and interesting. Perhaps you know one or two people who would appreciate it as well. Please consider sharing it with them. Thank you!
Biblia Blessing
“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
— Matthew 11:28-29, New Revised Standard Version